Items Required:

  • A mat
  • A jack
  • A set of 4 bowls

Green & Rink:

  1. On a bowls green, there are usually about 6 to 8 rinks.
  2. Each rink is about 3 meters wide and 30 meters or more in length.
  3. There will be a ditch at either end of the green.
  4. At the centre of each rink and at about 2 meters from the ditch, there will a spot marked usually with a “T”.


  1. Place the mat at the centre of the rink, aligned with the “T” spot.
  2. Stand on the mat and face the other end of the rink.
  3. Roll the jack towards the other end. The minimum distance is about 21 meters from the “T” spot on your side, and the maximum distance is at the “T” spot at the other end.
  4. Align the jack in the middle of the rink at where it stops rolling.
  5. Roll the bowls towards the jack. The idea is for the bowls to be as close as possible to the jack.
  6. Each of the bowls has a bias on one side, so you will have to draw an imaginary arc line from your standing position on the mat to the jack, and then roll the bowls along the arc line.


  1. Each player rolls singly and in turn with the opponent.
  2. Singles – Each player rolls 4 bowls. The player that is first to reach 21 shots wins.
  3. Pairs – Each player rolls 3 bowls. A game is usually played over 18 ends.
  4. Triples – Each player rolls 2 bowls. A game is usually played over 16 or 18 ends.
  5. Fours – Each player rolls 2 bowls. A game is usually played over 15 ends.
  6. In the Pairs, Triples and Fours game, the team with the higher number of aggregate shots over the stipulated number of ends wins.
